Kathryn March, M.S., has worked for more than 20 years in the fields of education and career counseling. She has been an independent consultant since June 2007. Before that time, she worked as a high school counselor, serving as Director of Counseling at a high school in Williamson County, Tennessee and a Dean of Students at a suburban high school in Minnesota. Currently, Ms. March works with high school students to help them develop their college admission essays to reflect their passions and uniqueness.
Committed to professional development, Ms. March regularly reads about the latest issues in higher education and attends conferences, seminars and webinars to keep current on the trends and expectations in college admissions. She is a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) and a member of the National Association of College Admissions Counselors (NACAC), and is a Certified Educational Planner (AICEP).
Master of Science in Counseling and Student Personnel
Minnesota State University at Mankato
School Counseling Licensure State of Tennessee: K-12
Teaching Certification
University of Rhode Island
Bachelor of Arts
Major: Sociology
Wells College
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